Often we as salespersons become disheartened due to the number, frequency and sort of objections we receive from prospects. Some salespersons may even begin to feel a form of personal rejection. In an attempt to help clarify what is really happening when a salesperson is given an objection, I would like to begin by getting rid of the cancer of personal rejection. I was fortunate to learn at a very early point in my sales career exactly why I should never take an objection as a
A professional Doctor believes very strongly in the medicines and the treatments they prescribe. They are so confident in their actions that they take the Hippocratic Oath. This oath, in just a few words, says “Do NO harm.” A professional Salesperson believes very strongly in the products and services that they sell. They are so confident in their actions that they take the Salespersons’ Oath. This oath, in just a few words, says “Do NO harm.” The Professional Doctor is committed to the practice of only prescribing ...
[caption id="attachment_193" align="alignright" width="225" caption="It is a Warning, NOT a stoplight."][/caption] Many years ago, I can recall as a new salesperson, how disappointed and frustrated I was when confronted with Objections. Fortunately, very early in my sales career, my company sent me to a sales training course. It was taught by a man named J. Douglas Edwards. I was to learn that he is considered to be the greatest sales expert ever. Doug Edwards actually created many of the great sales techniques that professional salespersons use today. Tom Hopkins, ...
Is Selling a Science or an Art? Yes! How is That Possible? The strategic use of words to modify thinking and thus behavior is a science. The manner in which the strategy is executed is an art. Is selling an art or a science? Yes! How is it possible that it is both? It is possible because it requires both disciplines to be done well. If we agree that selling is a communication process, then it becomes easier to understand how it requires both science and art. It has been well documented scientifically that communication is made up of different ...