As all of us in the sales profession know selling is a communication skill. Communicating is not an easy process even in the most trusting of settings much less the precarious setting of a sales presentation. Often we think of communicating as the sounds that are being sent back and forth between people. However, communication scientists tell us that in speaking to one another, we actually communicate more non-verbally than we do with the words we say. When we are making a sales presentation we should be aware of what our body is saying while we are speaking and listening. Just ...
Is Selling a Science or an Art? Yes! How is That Possible? The strategic use of words to modify thinking and thus behavior is a science. The manner in which the strategy is executed is an art. Is selling an art or a science? Yes! How is it possible that it is both? It is possible because it requires both disciplines to be done well. If we agree that selling is a communication process, then it becomes easier to understand how it requires both science and art. It has been well documented scientifically that communication is made up of different ...