As all of us in the sales profession know selling is a communication skill. Communicating is not an easy process even in the most trusting of settings much less the precarious setting of a sales presentation. Often we think of communicating as the sounds that are being sent back and forth between people. However, communication scientists tell us that in speaking to one another, we actually communicate more non-verbally than we do with the words we say. When we are making a sales presentation we should be aware of what our body is saying while we are speaking and listening. Just ...
Regardless of what we sell, we will often find that when we ask for the order we meet with some resistance. Sales Pros know this comes with the job and never take it personally. Following is a basic, but very effective, formula for responding to an objection from a prospect. The objection handling formula is: Cushion, Technique, and Close. Here is how it works. It is important to remember that the prospect knows we do not want to hear the objection. The prospect knows we want to hear agreement. Therefore, when a prospect gives us an objection, they are expecting us ...
A professional Doctor believes very strongly in the medicines and the treatments they prescribe. They are so confident in their actions that they take the Hippocratic Oath. This oath, in just a few words, says “Do NO harm.” A professional Salesperson believes very strongly in the products and services that they sell. They are so confident in their actions that they take the Salespersons’ Oath. This oath, in just a few words, says “Do NO harm.” The Professional Doctor is committed to the practice of only prescribing ...