Three Basic Reasons Why Prospects Buy In this article I will not be addressing why people buy essentials, such as food and medicine. People buy food because they need to eat. People buy medicine because they are ill. This article is more about the three basic reasons why people buy non-essentials, such as furniture or jewelry. The three basic reasons why prospects buy are: fear, recognition and self-actualization. Let’s begin with the definition of each of these three motivators as applied in the case of buying motives. Fear is the primary motivator in a purchase when the prospect is trying to ...
Sometimes when we do a good job of giving a Feature, Advantage and Benefit presentation we just don’t get the excited “buy in” we are looking for from our prospect. There could be any one of several reasons for a less than exceptional reaction. For the purposes of this article, I am going to concentrate on just one reason and explain how to fix it. Read the following benefit statements aloud. “Mr. Prospect, the new management skills that your managers will have at the end of each monthly session will help them improve productivity and profitability.” “Mr. Prospect, the new tread design on ...
The Sale After the Sale … Getting Referrals. Referrals have always been the single most valuable commodity a salesperson can acquire. The more referrals a salesperson is able to collect, the more income he is going to make. After we have created a new client, it is time to start selling again. We must sell the new client on giving us some referrals. In my 30-plus years of selling and coaching salespersons, I have noticed that most salespersons are very poor at getting referrals. There may be a number of reasons. If a salesperson is having a “run of success,” ...
Why Doesn’t a Qualified Prospect Buy Now? It is not uncommon for a thoroughly qualified prospect to stall on making a buying decision after he has heard a perfectly delivered feature, advantage and benefit presentation on a correctly priced product/service that is exactly what he wants/needs. Read on and find out why? Often after a prospect has heard a presentation and has been asked to buy, he puts up some resistance to buying at that time. Very often what he says has a tendency to cause the salesperson to lose momentum and ultimately bring the sales process to a halt. ...