Posts Tagged ‘Mr And Mrs Jones’

The great sales trainer, Larry Wilson, taught that before we could sell our prospect, we needed to “warm them up.”  He recommended using an ember.  Now don’t get the wrong idea!  He did not mean we were to set them ablaze.  In this case Larry used ember as an easy to remember acronym.  E.M.B.E.R. stands for “Establishing a Mutually Beneficial Empathic Relationship.”  Some salespersons today might say that we need to create a “Win Win” relationship with the prospect. For both the salesperson and the prospect to believe that the purchasing ...

Some salespersons sell products that lend themselves very well to “add on” sales.  For the purpose of this article, I define “add on sales” as additional products or services that may be of value to a buyer of a new item.  In this article I will use the sale of a 54” High Def Flat Screen TV as the primary purchase.  This product is currently listed at about $2000.  The two “add on” items I will use are a stand to hold the TV and a Five Year In-Home Service Warranty.  This stand would sell for approximately $200 ...