Sometimes when we do a good job of giving a Feature, Advantage and Benefit presentation we just don’t get the excited “buy in” we are looking for from our prospect. There could be any one of several reasons for a less than exceptional reaction. For the purposes of this article, I am going to concentrate on just one reason and explain how to fix it. Read the following benefit statements aloud. “Mr. Prospect, the new management skills that your managers will have at the end of each monthly session will help them improve productivity and profitability.” “Mr. Prospect, the new tread design on ...
Communicating with one another is an interesting process. We use words to help each other understand what we want each other to know. However, when we say a word, the other person does not really envision the word we have said. For example, when we say the word “dog,” the person does not see in their mind the three letters “d o g.” The person will see in their mind an image of a dog. So what actually happens when communicating is that we paint “word pictures” in the mind of the person to ...