General Sales Practices: How to increase impact of benefits


Sometimes when we do a good job of giving a Feature, Advantage and Benefit presentation we just don’t get the excited “buy in” we are looking for from our prospect.  There could be any one of several reasons for a less than exceptional reaction.  For the purposes of this article, I am going to concentrate on just one reason and explain how to fix it.

Read the following benefit statements aloud.

“Mr. Prospect, the new management skills that your managers will have at the end of each monthly session will help them improve productivity and profitability.”

“Mr. Prospect, the new tread design on our tire will give you a much safer ride.”

“Mr. Prospect, this new hybrid engine will dramatically reduce your fuel consumption and save you a lot of money over the years.”

Now they all sound like excellent benefits.  However, often our prospect does not really realize what the benefits will actually mean to him.  We need to help our prospect feel the value of the benefit.  Our prospect’s feelings will get us a lot more sales than our prospect’s thinking.  So how can we turn benefits into BENEFITS?  We can improve the impact of our benefit statements by asking follow-up questions.

Read the following benefit statements and impact questions aloud.

“Mr. Prospect, the new management skills that your managers will have at the end of each monthly session will help them improve productivity and profitability.  What do you feel would be a really good way for your company to use the additional profits produced over the next several months?”

“Mr. Prospect, the new tread design on our tire will give you a much safer ride.  Wouldn’t you feel much better about letting your daughter drive the car to the store on a rainy day?”

“Mr. Prospect, this new hybrid engine will dramatically reduce your fuel consumption and save you a lot of money over the years.  If your current car company had handed you a check for about $2500 at the end of your first 100,000 miles, what would you have done with that money? ”

The benefits are not be told … they are to be sold.  So how do you feel about the extra money you are going to make by closing more sales?

1 Comment for this entry

August 7th, 2014 on 11:31 pm

Thank you VERY MUCH for sharing this information with me!
