Posts Tagged ‘Desire’

Three Basic Reasons Why Prospects Buy In this article I will not be addressing why people buy essentials, such as food and medicine.  People buy food because they need to eat.  People buy medicine because they are ill.  This article is more about the three basic reasons why people buy non-essentials, such as furniture or jewelry. The three basic reasons why prospects buy are: fear, recognition and self-actualization.  Let’s begin with the definition of each of these three motivators as applied in the case of buying motives.  Fear is the primary motivator in a purchase when the prospect is trying to ...

Have you ever noticed the “pitch men” on the television commercials?  The next time you see one, do not dismiss the commercial.  Pay close attention!  If you listen carefully, you will likely hear some “great sales techniques.” For example, have you ever heard one of these “pitch men” saying something like this?  “If you order two boxes of our “Super Suds” dishwasher detergent today we will give you a third box free.”  Or perhaps you have heard something like this.  “Call within the next 10 minutes and we will include ABSOLUTELY FREE our handy dandy, super absorbent, long lasting, specially imported, ...

The great sales trainer, Larry Wilson, taught that before we could sell our prospect, we needed to “warm them up.”  He recommended using an ember.  Now don’t get the wrong idea!  He did not mean we were to set them ablaze.  In this case Larry used ember as an easy to remember acronym.  E.M.B.E.R. stands for “Establishing a Mutually Beneficial Empathic Relationship.”  Some salespersons today might say that we need to create a “Win Win” relationship with the prospect. For both the salesperson and the prospect to believe that the purchasing ...

Once we have found our prospect, it is important to understand why and how to qualify him to determine his level of interest.  What are the different levels of interest?  Does this prospect Require (need) a product/service like ours?  For example, if the prospect is a nurse, he or she would need a watch with a highly visible way to see the seconds in order to take a patient’s pulse.  Does this prospect Desire (want but not need) a product/service like ours?  For example, if the prospect has a watch that is ...